
The proofreading service offered by TranslateMe covers documents related to research, dissertations, legal papers, articles, essays, and many more. We aspire to meet the ever-increasing demand for proofreading services from business and academic clients throughout the Kurdish region. Our proof-reading is of the highest quality and aims to accurately and succinctly deliver our customer’s target message toward their desired audience. We offer proofreading services in Kurdish, Arabic, and English.

The level of proofreading provided can be broken into four types:

  • Basic Proofreading:  Checking spellings, grammar and punctuation.
  • Editing:  This goes much deeper into the text and tries to modify the structure of the sentence, and rewrite some of its parts.
  • Full-editing:  Includes both proofreading and editing, yet also assesses the work as a whole and looks at the structure of paragraphs, topic sentences, integrity of writing, its logic and the general comprehension of the text. It often rewrites a large portion of the text whilst inserting comments with suggestions how to aid the understanding of that particular section or how to complement the information already present.
  • Paraphrasing:  Is complete rewriting of the text with the meaning being preserved.